ALT ブレンダン先生からのメッセージ(21)


Golden Week in America

During Golden Week, I visited my family in America. It had been a very long time since I saw them, so I was very excited. Spring in Chicago is very comfortable, but April is the rainiest month of the year so we had many rainy days. After a few days in Chicago, I flew to Minnesota. It was my first time in Minnesota in three years! I stayed in a cabin in very rural Minnesota. Minnesota has about 12,000 lakes, so there were lakes everywhere we went! At night, we saw bears very close to our cabin. Because of that, we of course decided not to go outside at night. I also went golfing for only the second time in my life! I was not very good, but I had a lot of fun. After that, I returned to Chicago and said goodbye to my family. I finally flew back to Japan and it took me about 22 hours to travel from Chicago to Bungotakada! I was very jet lagged but happy to be back in Japan!