ALT ブレンダン先生からのメッセージ(3)


定期的に、さまざまなテーマでお話をしてもらいます。 今回はその3回目です。

American Summer

With the recent hot weather in Oita and summer vacation at Takada High School starting soon, I have been thinking a lot about summer. When I was a student in America, summer was one of my favorite times of the year. In America, summer vacation begins in late May or early June and ends in about the middle of August. During this long break, I would usually travel to Lake Michigan’s beaches with my family. I would also enjoy barbecues, fireworks shows, and spending time with friends. During some summers, we traveled to Europe to enjoy the summer traditions of various countries. I am planning to visit America this August, so I am excited to experience an American summer once again! I am also looking forward to enjoying many festivals and traditions in Japan this summer as well.

sunset at lake Michigan
Wrigley Field in Chicago