ALT ブレンダン先生からのメッセージ(14)

本校勤務のブレンダン先生から、メッセージをいただきました。高高生の英語力の向上のため、定期的にさまざまなテーマでお話をしてもらいます。今回は、14回目、ブレンダン先生の冬休みです!! どのように過ごしたのでしょうか

My Winter Break

Happy New Year everybody! I am happy to be back at Takada High School after winter break. During my winter break, four of my high school friends came to Japan. It was their first time traveling overseas! I tried to be a tour guide and translator for them. We went to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Oita together. They loved Japan so much! They especially loved Japanese food, karaoke, onsens, and beautiful shrines and temples. They even started collecting “goshuin” from the temples and shrines that we visited! They also loved the scenery in Oita Prefecture thanks to the mountains and the sea! My friends were also so surprised by the narrow roads and sometimes got scared. They had never seen roads like that in America! My friends were also very happy with the weather. They live in Chicago which has recently gotten as cold as -33°C! They thought that Japan is so warm. We had a very fun trip together and I was happy that they loved Japan. They told me that they want to come again in the future!