ALT ブレンダン先生からのメッセージ(7)


高高生の英語力の向上のため、定期的にさまざまなテーマでお話をしてもらいます。今回は、アメリカの高校生活についてです。映画やドラマで見たことのある憧れのお話です。 早速読んでみましょう。

American High School

American high school is four years long. In America, teachers stay in one classroom all day and the students change classrooms. Because of this, there are no homerooms, no teacher’s room, and each period has different students in class. For example, my history class had completely different students from my math class. Because there are no homerooms, all students eat together in a large cafeteria. In most American high schools, school uniforms are not required. I, however, needed to wear a school uniform because I went to a private high school. We had nothing similar to a cultural festival, but we had a few school dances each year which were held at night. Before each dance, students would ask another student to be their “date.” They would wear suits and dresses, eat dinner, and take pictures together. The event was usually held in the school gymnasium where the students would dance to music. If you have watched American movies set in high school, you have probably seen one of these dances before!