ALT ブレンダン先生からのメッセージ(24)


さて今回は、先生が受けた「あるテスト」についてです。 早速 読んで、聞いてみましょう!

My Experience taking a Japanese Test

On July 7, instead of celebrating Tanabata, I took a Japanese test called the “JLPT” (日本語能力試験). It was my first time taking a JLPT test, and I took the N2 level (2級). I had not taken a test since I graduated from college, so I was very nervous. I took the test at Beppu University. I was surprised that there were so many people taking the test! There are many people learning the Japanese language. The test was four hours long! It tested grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading, and listening. I thought some parts were easy and some parts were hard. I will see the results in September! If I pass, I will be very happy. If I do not, I will try not to feel sad! I will try again in December. I really enjoy studying Japanese and will continue to try my best!